
Targeting the audience most likely to convert is what we do best.

A Trusted Data Partner

Using the best data delivers better results. When you rely on bulk mailing lists for entire ZIP™ codes, you get poor results. That’s why we believe choosing the right data partner is as important as your campaign content. You need a partner who can identify the right audience for your message. And you need a partner who has the highest standards for sourcing your data.

Data Modeling

Your current customers or residents are an invaluable resource that most people never use. Your qualified leads should look like current residents, and to do that, you need to target potential leads who look like your best customers. How do we help you do that? We start by analyzing those best customers and categorize them using more 400 different metrics. Our analysts develop a comprehensive and insightful MicroModeling® Report that offers us the ability to identify the most desirable target audience so you don’t waste time and resources on unqualified leads. You’ll spend more time with the right audience, which leads to more conversions.

Data Acquisition from Multiple Sources

Pulling together the right data for your next senior living campaign sounds simple. But it can pose a host of unexpected challenges. Successful campaigns, whether print or digital, should target a precise list of potential customers who closely resemble your best customers. And the best list begins with Multiple-Sourced Data (PDF) from Sabal Strategy.

Partnering with Sabal Strategy means you have unrivaled access to top consumer databases with powerful waterfall capabilities to identify the best records to match your ideal audience. Whether your target audience is a niche composed of military veterans, people with long-term care insurance or who have a specific ailment, we can deliver the right data to you.

Our data science team understands each data compiler and their sourcing methodology. Our knowledge and experience means we can efficiently identify the right prospects that match your target demographics, lifestyle, and geography across more than 400 data touchpoints. We can even target based on multi-radius and multi-location factors.

Our best-in-class data delivers unrivaled access to the highest quality, cross-channel audiences. Without managing multiple vendors, you can access the right audience for:

  • Financial and Insurance Services
  • Healthcare and Medical-related Services
  • Home Care and Maintenance
  • Invitation to Apply Offers
  • Nonprofit Awareness and Fundraising

Data Hygiene

The term “data hygiene” isn’t sexy and not something most marketers want to spend their time thinking about as they plan their next campaign. But a lack of sound data hygiene practices are a major contributor to the more than $3 trillion wasted each year by US businesses.

Most people don’t realize that all data contains bad information. People make mistakes, they over- or under-state their income, dating history or medical conditions. They move. They move a lot! And then there’s the fact that not all databases are equal. Some, like voter registration lists and the Department of Motor Vehicles are generally sound. Others, like those based on third-party cookies, are less reliable.

Incorrect personalization, excess postage, bad addresses and DNC violations waste your precious budget dollars.

As data experts, our team knows which databases to source for your list. But we don’t stop there. Our hygiene process means we run specific programs to clean your list three times to ensure your print or digital mail is deliverable to the right audience. We take pride in helping you avoid costly fines for DNC and CAN-SPAM violations or excess postage.

But we don’t stop there. We understand that you need measurable results. That’s why we provide analytics documenting the metrics that are important to you.

Isn’t it time you chose the right data partner? Isn’t it time you partnered with Sabal Strategy to give your omnichannel marketing campaigns the edge?

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