Model data delivers specific and qualified prospects

Modeled Data Delivers Measurable Results

Let's compare two data files!

Marketing campaigns should send qualified leads to the sales team. But when the sales team meets too many unqualified prospects and events draw more lookie-loos than serious prospects, you need a new game plan. Sabal Strategy has the right solution to help both teams hit their goals. The key is proprietary MicroModel Report for your next campaign. Why? Because your marketing team needs to focus on the audience who are most like the people who have already said yes to you. Our modeled data identifies and targets your most qualified audience. And that means no one wastes their time with unqualified leads.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: it’s just another sales pitch promising big things. BUT, can you deliver? Why, yes we can, and we have the receipts to prove it. But, you say, can you show me how your data is better? I’m so glad you asked!

Real World, Real Modeled Data

Last fall, Sabal and another data company were asked to provide a list of about 17,000 prospects for an upscale senior living community’s December event. The event was focused on their expansion project. Sabal delivered a customized MicroModel Report for the community. Our data was modeled data based on this in-depth analysis. In late January, our data team reviewed the data list provided by the other data company. Buckle up, Buttercup, because this one is going to be long. But we’re sharing actual numbers with you.

All Data is NOT Equal

Just getting a list of names with valid print and digital addresses simply isn’t enough. We compared the two lists and the additional data provided about each individual prospect. The community also shared the names of those who joined the waitlist with a deposit. Based on our analysis, there are 4 very good reasons why the majority of new depositors were from the Sabal list. The Sabal audience was more qualified and more closely reflected those who had already said yes. I know, I know! You want details. Well, we’ve got them. This simplified chart makes it easy to see why the Sabal list was superior.

Community’s Ideal Audience

Sabal Strategy List

The Other List

Yearly Income of more than $250k



Net Worth of $1M or more



Home Value of $500 – $1M



Length of Residence in the home

20 years+: 72.6%

15 years+: 68.8%

College Education

71% have a degree

No data

Marital Status

85.2% married

76.8% married

Average Age




55.3% male

31.4% male

Yes, I can hear you asking but what do these numbers mean? Let’s break it down by comparing each audience to the modeled data of the community’s ideal target.

Basic Demographics

The community’s average age of the ideal prospect is 76.3. Their ideal group is 50% male and 50% female, and 88% are married. Sabal’s audience more closely matches this group in terms of demographics. Finding qualified prospects to match these demographics is easy. Because it’s simple, too many data brokers stop here. But determining and identifying qualified prospects means knowing more about your ideal consumer. The analysis provided in the modeled data gave us more important factors to match.

Higher Education Matters

Having a college education is consistently an indicator of future, higher earnings. Of the ideal audience, 92% have a college degree and 8% have a graduate degree. Among the Sabal data, 72% have a college degree and 13.5% have a graduate degree. The other pool of prospects contained no information about higher education.

Home, Sweet Home

Home value and the length of residence in the home bring emotional and financial considerations into play. The ideal audience had lived in their homes for 24 years and the home had a value of $581,000. For the Sabal audience, 72.6% had lived in their homes for 20+ years; the other data scored 68% of their audience as having lived in their homes 15+ years. In terms of home value, 55% of Sabal’s audience and the other company’s audience met or exceeded the ideal audience.  

Money, Money, Money

Finances are a tricky, sticky subject. That’s why your marketing dollars are best spent speaking to a qualified audience. The community’s demographic was:

  1. A Net Worth of $2 million
  2. Income of $195,000

Of Sabal’s data, 49.5% have an income between $150,000 and $500,000. The other data list had an overall lower income distribution; 35.8% of the prospects had an income between $150,000 and $500,000. Their largest group (50.5%) had an income between $100,000 and $150,000. That means 13.7%  had an income between less than $25,000 and $100,000.

In terms of net worth, 100% of Sabal’s data had a net worth of $1 million or more. Only 13% of the other audience had a net worth of $1 million or more. 

Meet Your Matches

We know your marketing team tries their best to reach qualified prospects so they can funnel them to their hardworking sales team. Spending dollars and time on unqualified leads wastes their time and your budget. The smart way forward is to focus on an audience that closely matches previous leads who said yes to you. Whether you’re looking for new residents, waitlist members, depositors or any other group, start with a custom MicroModel Report, and then, ask Sabal to build the right list of prospects for you. When you do, you could be our next case study about your success! 

Ready to start? Call Maribeth or shoot her an email today. Because when we focus on the right audience, you’ll see measurable results.

About Maribeth

Maribeth Jenkins is passionate about building long-term relationships and developing solutions for inbound and outbound marketing, especially in senior living. With more than 25 years of experience, she knows that success in marketing means reaching the right audience at the right time on the right platform. And it all begins with the right data, her specialty. No matter what data-based marketing challenge you’re facing, Sabal Strategy and Maribeth can help your team connect with more quality leads. Email her or visit her LinkedIn page to connect with her today.