Sabal Data is Best in Class

But you don't have to take our word for it!

Every woman who has ever shopped for clothing knows sizing for women is flat out crazy. They make no sense. Certainly, a size 00 in one brand is a size 4 in another. And if you compare a size 10 prom dress today to the one you wore in 1995, you’ll find your beloved 90s prom gown is larger. I know. It. Makes. No. Sense. And let’s not even mention the myth that one size fits everyone. What does this have to do with data? Who you choose as your data source matters. Because all data sourcing is not created equal.Glad you asked. As a data expert, I can tell you sourcing data is like buying clothes. And as you know, the quality of all clothing / data isn’t the same. Where you source your data is as important as the brands you choose to wear.

Data begins its life cycle as bits and bytes of information culled from a multitude of sources. An average internet user generates 146,880 MB of data every day.  Those collecting data on you include companies (Amazon), Big Tech (Google & Apple), websites and a host of other entities. All this data flows into the files of academic researchers, hackers, law enforcement and major data brokers. Ultimately, all of these know as much about you as you do. But there’s a catch (isn’t there always?).

Not all data compilers pull the same data. The quality of data from all of these data brokers varies as does the amount and type of data they compile. Building the right list for your next campaign becomes as much art as it is science. Because parsing the terabytes of data that is available is neither simple nor straightforward. 

At Sabal Strategy, we live and breathe data. 

Our data scientists bring unequaled expertise and experience to the task of building a best-in-class list for your specific campaign. And that’s not hyperbole. Our team understands the nuances and strengths of the key data compilers. We know each has their own methodology in building their datasets and where possible issues of bad data might arise. 

To take full advantage of our knowledge and expertise, we advise clients to begin with a customized MicroModeling Report. This serves as the best starting point because we’ve parsed more than 400 touchpoints to identify the ideal target audience for your campaign. Then we go the extra mile to deliver trusted Multiple-Sourced Data (PDF), which means we choose which compilers to use to pull together your list. More importantly, it means we’re working to match your target demographics, lifestyle, and multi-location geographical factors across an array of touchpoints.

We provide more value than this. 

We deliver unrivaled access to the highest quality cross-channel audience. Why? Because your targeted audience, like people everywhere, use multiple devices every single day. We hope you’re not simply limiting your campaign to a one-off mailer (instead of an omnichannel campaign), but if you are, a Sabal list will reach your audience with the fewest UAAs possible. That’s because we take pride in delivering the cleanest lists. Our comprehensive data hygiene process ensures there are no duplicate records or other issues with your list of qualified leads. And we run your data through cleaning processes three times to ensure you get ultra clean data.

Are you targeting income-qualified solo agers within a 25-mile radius of your community? Reaching out to military vets, long-term care insurance holders, or potential residents with an interest in art? Sabal Strategy should be your go-to choice for the best-in-class data list for these and any other qualified audience you want to reach. Call Maribeth today to learn how Sabal Strategy and our data scientists can help you reach your preferred, qualified audience.

About Maribeth

Maribeth Jenkins is passionate about building long-term relationships and developing solutions for inbound and outbound marketing, especially in senior living. With more than 25 years of experience, she knows that success in marketing means reaching the right audience at the right time on the right platform. And it all begins with the right data, her specialty. No matter what data-based marketing challenge you’re facing, Sabal Strategy and Maribeth can help your team connect with more quality leads. Email her or visit her LinkedIn page to connect with her today.